Sunday, February 05, 2023

Snow's gone (mostly)

Is this the legendary January thaw, a bit late? Last week's snow is mostly gone. And more daffodils are pushing their way to the surface.

The helpful folks at Wild Birds Unlimited convinced me that the bluebirds would find their way into the anti-starling birdfeeder, so I put things back. And they were right. I admit it is a bit of a relief not to keep watch.

One end of my yard holds a lot of water. I called on a hardscaping company a while back, to find out what it would take to drain some of that off, and what it would take is a LOT of money because of how flat my yard is, plus it would tear things up dramatically. So my new plan is to work with the water. Step one: Sanctuary Natives is coming out later this week so we can discuss rain gardens and water-loving replacement shrubs for the arborvitae we took down. If I can run two downspouts and the sump pump outflow to rain gardens, that may just do the trick. Fingers crossed!

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