Sunday, February 07, 2021

Sunshine on snow

This area of Indiana is known for its gray and taupe winters - gray skies, taupe landscape. But last week's snow is still here, thanks to some very cold temps. The sun is shining as well. My neighbor's snowblower broke, so I had to do some shoveling, but I did not mind, too much. My shoulders did not appreciate the extra exercise.

Inside, I had my kitchen cabinets refaced and the vanities in the bathrooms replaced. Now that things have settled down, it's time give indoor herb gardening another go and to contemplate what I hope to accomplish in the yard this year. In the past, I created overly optimistic to-do lists. There is really only one thing on my list this year: continue with downsizing. In the past, I have tried to nurture a meadow in the southwest corner of the backyard. I still think about that, so I will leave that area for last, to keep my options open.

The sparrows really like the millet; groundfeeding juncos seem to like it, too. I put some "bark butter" on the trees in the front yard, but it looks untouched so far. The berry-and-nut suet I tried was a hit with almost everyone, even a squirrel. Now I am trying a pure suet block.

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