Friday, February 28, 2020

Winter wonderland

We actually received several inches of snow the past couple of days. And the temps were cold enough for it to stick around. But not for long, as we will be in the 40's by Sunday. Then rain, rain, and more rain. So maybe spring is on it's way?

The weather is interfering with my yard clean-up plans, but just as well. I spotted several LBJ's (Little Brown Jobs - sparrows, finches, etc.) feeding on weed seeds. I've also seen fruit eaters going after the last of the pokeweed berries. So these plants are not weeds, they are organic bird feeders.

The other day I sorted through the leftover packaged seeds, tossing anything resembling a vegetable as I no longer grow my own food. I don't throw out old flower seeds, though, unless they prove to be unviable. The black hollyhock seeds I planted the last several years were purchased in 2004 and sprouted like champs. I'm still in the process of downsizing the garden, so I am not ordering any new seed this year. If there is something I feel I need (like more zinnias), I'l buy them locally.

One set of plants I will be buying is something to replace the coleus for the front porch. The mother plant I wintered over for many years finally bit the dust. I will probably get more coleus - they seems to thrive there - but will eyeball some alternatives, too. The spot gets some intense morning sun, then shade the rest of the day, so not just anything will do.

Despite - or because of - the weird weather we've had this winter, I am ready for spring. How about you?

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