Sunday, February 02, 2020

Six more weeks of winter, such as it is

In my (faulty) memory, wherever I am, the sun shines on Ground Hog Day, if only for a short while. Today's absence of gray skies was a nice change of pace, BUT. I have been noticing signs of spring here and there: Canada geese migrating, starlings that never left, early morning bird song, and today a bee seeking the warmth of my daughter's car. It's just not right.

Construction signs are up in the neighborhood, with two at either end of the block where I live. This week we get to meet the contractor who is supposed to fix all our drainage issues. In fact, they have already started, moving gas lines at the innermost part of the addition. A variety of trucks, including some from Badger Daylighting, have come and gone.

Inside, I started the process (wrote a check) for new flooring to replace the remaining carpet. Every time I clean up pet puke (and they always puke on carpeting, not linoleum), I tell myself that soon I will be wiping it up from laminate. Much easier. A friend gave me her Roomba and I may invest in a Crosswave (my daughter loves hers). Then I will just need something that dusts and cleans bathrooms.

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