Wednesday, June 05, 2024

What's that noise?!?

On our way back from a quick trip to Milwaukee, we stopped at the Chicago Botanical Gardens. The parking lots are surrounded by trees which are full of Brood XIII cicadas. And they are LOUD. Inside the gardens themselves, things were relatively calm, although some shrubs and small trees were covered with netting, presumably to protect them from the cicadas.

The previous time we were at the CBG, I came home all excited about the experience. Now - meh. It's not the gardens' fault. I think my interest in expanding my garden exposure has abated. My own yard is enough.

Despite my efforts to attract the birds and bees, there isn't much wildlife activity in my yard. The serviceberry fruit is abundant and dark purple, but the robins don't seem interested. There is no fruit on the chokeberry shrubs, probably because they bloomed too early for the pollinators. Despite the honeysuckle vine and penstemon blooming, no hummingbirds have appeared yet, although it is a bit early. And the bee population seems lower this summer.

The winterberry holly is blooming, but one might not notice it as the blossoms are so small. Last year the bushes next to the house produced no fruit. I have both male and female plants; I wonder if it is a pollinator problem.

At least the wren box sounds like it is full of (noisy) babies.

My house has lost power twice in recent weeks, once from a squirrel in a transformer, today from something else. I've been getting estimates for a whole house backup generator. Holy cow - are they expensive! I like the idea of having automatic backup, but the price is giving me pause. I will get one more quote, then decide.

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