Saturday, January 01, 2022

Happy New Year!

Not much has been happening around here other than the holidays. I'm still feeding birds (I spoke too soon about the starlings), the ground still hasn't frozen (I have high hopes for this week), what few decorations I put up are down. I have yet to receive the updated landscape design, the siding damage on the livingroom bump-out hasn't been fixed yet, and my city trash can needs to be replaced. Like I said, nothing much going on.

Do you make resolutions? Every year mine were to eat less, exercise more, keep a cleaner house, etc. The dogs need to be walked, and I keep doing physical therapy for my back, hip, and shoulder, plus some yoga, so I think I have exercise covered. The dogs also force me to clean more often, else visitors think I live in squalor. Being diagnosed with "borderline" diabetes has led me to improve my diet and lose some weight. Sometimes life provides the motivation to change.

I do have what I would call plans for the coming year, though: turn the fireplace into a greenhouse of sorts, install (or have someone install) the landscaping changes in the front yard, plant (or have someone plant) more trees and shrubs, include the backyard in the organic lawn treatment, eliminate the rest of the raised beds in the backyard, and become more proactive in eliminating invasives in my yard. Now that my shoulder is functional and painfree, I am eager to put it back to work.

What are your plans for 2022?

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