Saturday, May 22, 2021

So dry

We have had no rain since Mother's Day when we received 2.5". Nothing is suffering, but I would not mind a nice, all day drizzle. The dry weather has not stopped the grass from growing. The front yard is treated (organically), the dogs keep the backyard well fertilized (also organically). Good thing I like to mow.

My son and his girl friend visited this past week (we are all well-vaccinated) and brought me a tuberous begonia. I have never grown one of these before, so it will be a little horticultural adventure. Per usual, the red of the blossoms is not accurate in my pix.

For some reason, my son removed the tag, so I don't know the variety. I hope it produces trailing stems. If this plant works out, I may incorporate tuberous begonias into my future shade garden, in hanging baskets.

Yesterday I spotted hummingbirds at the feeder; my son said he saw one on Thursday. Huzzah!

The coleus have been transplanted to the flower box on the front porch. I started some sunflowers and Mexican sunflower. It is probably a good thing that my previous attempts at seed starting did not work, as the spring weather has been so erratic and I have not had a good feel for what there is room for. My SO and I continue to hack away at the raised beds, but for right now, I am keeping four of them: the rhubarb patch fills one, hollyhock (which I use as a trap for Japanese beetles) another, the sunflowers will go into a third, and the Mexican sunflower the fourth. There is also a larger bed that holds coneflower and rudbekia. All that should give me something to look at.

I finally ordered some plants for containers, from Bluestone Perennials. They were supposed to ship this week, but so far no word. I am also awaiting the back-ordered mini grow garden from Gardners Supply, which is supposed to ship this month. We'll see.

The 'Winter King' hawthorn is in full bloom. I recently read a description of it that included the trait "thornless". NOT. But maybe other varieties are thornier. The 'Wentworth' high bush cranberry is also peaking. There is volunteer columbine in the front yard, dame's rocket in the back. The false indigo and cotoneaster are just getting started. Almost always something blooming.

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