Sunday, September 01, 2024

Changing seasons

August wasn't done with us last week, as the temps soared into the 90's with plenty of humidity. Today, it is more autumn-like. But it's not time to put the gardens and yard to bed for the winter yet. Rain has been scarce, so I continue to water, plus control weeds.

When my son and his girlfriend were here a few weeks ago, we strolled around the yard. She commented on the lovely scent of the hydrangea. I had never noticed it before - it is rather delicate - but now I sniff them whenever I am in the yard. As the blossoms age, the scent becomes less and less noticable.

Fruit on some shrubs is beginning to turn red. I was suprised to find some berries on the spice bush - it must be a female and someone else nearby must have a male.

Most of the winterberry holly is bearing fruit, but not all. Of course, the male bushes don't, but some of the female randomly don't as well. I noticed this phenomena last year. No real reason that I can discern.

Of course, the goldenrod is putting on a show. This tall variety which I have no memory of planting may be Solidago altissima, known as Canadian goldenrod. Or it may be Solidago gigantea, Giant goldenrod. I'm planning to swap the shorter fence in this photo with the taller fence around the 'meadow'.

The Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks', also known as Rough goldenrod, is a bit behind its big brother.

My daughter is moving to a new-to-her house that has not been occupied for a year. I asked if there were any way I could help that didn't involve stair climbing or heavy lifting. She suggested I take on weed control in the yard. That I can do!

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