Sunday, November 06, 2022

Not the usual gloom

Several of my friends have expressed their appreciation for the recent mild weather. Not me - it just feels wrong. November should be cold and gray. The plants need a good watering before winter sets in, plus these erratic temps confuse them. I even saw a monarch yesterday, definitely a late bloomer. Fortunately, there were asters for it to feed on. Fly south, little guy!

Many, many moons ago, I assembled a workbench from plywood and a kit. It originally resided in a bonus room off the garage, but that area was incorporated into the rest of the house and is now my laundry room. So the bench went out to the shed, then I think it returned to the garage again before again being placed in the shed. Well, it is back in the garage. I'm tired of using my breakfast bar for things like repotting plants and dyeing yarn and mixing clay and all my other hobbies. Hopefully, it won't simply become another cluttered horizontal surface.

Fall cleanup has taken the form of decluttering the garage. I managed to find a new home for the rainbow shed, which freed up a lot of space. The contents of the shelves are being sorted, with many things going to a local "maker space" I belong to, free to other members. A few of my neighbors have pristine garages. Mine will never look that way, but my efforts are already making a difference.

Otherwise, not much is going on right now. Most of the trees in my yard have lost their leaves. The potted plants aren't quite ready to move into the garage for the winter. And I'm trying to force my xmas cactus to bloom in time for the holidays.

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