Sunday, June 13, 2021


The bamboo mini LED grow light garden is finally on it's way from Gardeners Supply. Or rather, the shipping label has been printed. You know how that goes, especially these days. Ship date promises are easily forgotten.

Another "finally" is the removal of the raised beds. I am *so* glad to have that chore completed, was tired of looking at that mess. Now I can focus on all the *other* stuff that needs attention.

I have never come up with an effective method of supporting the climbing rose. It doesn't seem to care, as long as it is growing more horizontal than vertical. This is another banner year for blooms (which are already starting to fade).

The wren house in the front yard is full of baby sparrows, not wrens as I had assumed. The parents raid the meal worm feeder for their young. That wren house is rather old, so the entrance must have expanded over the years. I'm sure there is a doodad I can buy that will restrict occupancy for future future.

The zinnias have all been transplanted, some into containers, some here and there in the remaining raised beds. I spread more stone on the west side of the house, along the deck. The dogs use that side of the deck as a launching point, so there is no point in growing much there. I've been doing some watering, as the pop-up showers have been hit-and-miss, plus no rain in the forecast.

The yarrow and catmint continue to bloom. The 'Blue Muffin' is done, but 'Chicago Lustre' is peaking. Smooth hydrangea is loaded with blossoms, as are the 'Betty Corning'. Stella d'Oro is starting up, as are the black hollyhocks. Last night we drove past a house with a postage stamp of a front yard, but it was *full* of colorful hollyhocks. Quite striking. One of my SO's neighbors has a similarly sized front yard full of natives. I may have to chat him up to find out what all is blooming there right now, as most of my natives bloom later.

1 comment:

Jason said...

There is a metal ring that you can attach to your bird houses that keeps out the sparrows. I ordered mine from Wild Birds Unlimited.