Sunday, June 27, 2021

Bird feeding hiatus

There have been mysterious deaths among the wild bird population here in Indiana. The Indiana DNR is asking backyard bird feeders to suspend operations for a while and clean feeders with a bleach solution. I will comply, even though this time of year the birds seem more interested in other food sources.

Although the directions were less than straight forward, I managed to assemble the bamboo mini LED grow light garden from Gardners Supply with only one or two mistakes. It fits well on top of the upright freezer. Now I just need to start some herbs (again).

Here is proof that the 'Golden Spirit' smoke bush does smoke. As I've said before, not as dramatic as the purple leaf version, still a sight to behold. I transplanted some 'Autumn Joy' sedum under it, but it needs something else, maybe some dark-leafed Heuchera for contrast?

Sometimes my landscaping works out as planned. The Bishop's Weed under the 'Limelight' hydrangea has recovered from dog trampling and has filled in that corner nicely. And the natives I moved last summer are thriving; see below. There is coneflower, rudbekia, ironweed, and several types of aster in this bed along the fence. I can't wait for them to bloom. The area needs some spring and early summer bloomers, though, that will grow in clay.

This Clematis Paniculata, a.k.a. sweet autumn clematis, looks like it is cooperating with my plans as well. It is in a container next to a trellis that is tied to a pergola post and starting to climb already. If it reaches its projected length of 10' to 20', it should provide some nice shade for the deck.

As long as the dogs don't try to breach the fence, this crop of sunflowers ("Russian Giant", I think) should do fine. The Mexican sunflowers in the next bed are not as robust, but I think they will come through just fine.

The grass in the sunny area is finally growing, helped no doubt by the off-and-on showers Mother Nature has been providing lately (I tend to be forgetful about watering). The rainy weather has made yardening difficult, though.

A couple of weeks ago, I started taking Claritin to treat sinus headaches. I had never taken it before, and a bonus side effect was the arthritic pain in my shoulders improved. Apparently, there is some evidence that antihistamines help relieve inflammation. I was ecstatic... until a different side effect kicked in: this supposedly non-drowsy OTC medication left me somnolent to the point I was drowsing my days away. It took me a while to connect my sleepiness to the Claritin, but once I stopped taking it, I perked right up. Interestingly, my shoulders continue to feel better. Maybe I can take it once a week and continue to get some relief?


flurrious said...

I've read that Allegra is the least likely to cause drowsiness, but I've never tried it myself.

Jason said...

I've held off bird feeding for a while as well.