Sometimes random stuff pops up in my FB feed. One recent post was by a gardener who had created a "dead hedge". Basically, a dead hedge is a tidy version of a brush pile. After erecting some vertical posts to retain the mess, one fills it in with downed limbs, prunings, etc. It gives wildlife a place of refuge while the contents slowy decompose.
There are still a lot of leftover trunks and branches from the removed arborvitae, so I could easily get a dead hedge started. I just need a half dozen fence posts and for the ground to thaw.
Yes, a substantial amount of snow fell like powedered sugar yesterday afternoon and last night. Not quite enough for cross country skiing (although I doubt that will stop some people), but enough to cover the grass and make everything look pretty. It should stick around all week, then we are promised a "frozen mix" - ugh.
The snow cover has upped the bird presence in the backyard. Not only are the wintergreen shrubs and hawthorn tree stripped of their fruit, even the flowering crabs are looking picked over. Usually the bluebirds politely take turns in the mealworm feeder, but I've seen as many as four crammed in there at one time. I even spotted a Carolina wren in there and at the birdbath.
And starlings. Can't forget about the starlings. There was a tub of Bark Butter in the cupboard, so I ripped the cover off that and put it out with the feeders. After seeing a photo of a feeder with a jar of peanut butter strapped on, I decided I didn't need to bother with actually applying the Bark Butter to anything. The starlings love it.
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