Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Must be August

In June, the gardener knows it will be a while before she reaps. In July, the harvest begins. In August, more of the long-awaited crops come to fruition, plus the fall plantings start to grow.

Onion harvest - Copra and Red Zeplin
Burpless Beauty cucumber, growing vertically
Matt's Wild Cherry and Black Cherry tomatoes
Honey and Cream sweet corn
The pumpkin in the tomato bed keeps getting bigger and more orange
Pumpkin vine trying to escape the confines of the garden
Purple Pod pole beans, for fall harvest (fingers crossed)

I love mixing some flowers in amongst the veggies. The bees friend finally bloomed, so now we know what they look like. The zinnias will add color through the rest of the season.

Bee's Friend
Lilliput Mix zinnias

1 comment:

Jason said...

Looks like you are having a great harvest. Zinnias are one of my favorite annuals.