Not much garden action this weekend. My least favorite months are February (will winter ever end?!?) and August (no more heat and humidity!) Despite the regular rain (another 0.25" yesterday), my tomatoes-in-pots are brownish. I'm not very good about watering plants in pots - just ask my houseplants - so I don't know what I was thinking when the few tomato plants I decided to entertain went into pots. At least I won't have this problem this year.
Instead or working outside, I am trying to prepare for the new room. Which means doing something with all the junk in my Florida room and in the closet in the laundry room. Yesterday I moved some of the bigger stuff, but it's the little crap that bedevils me. If I only had a basement... something I (jokingly!) mentioned to the estimator guy Friday afternoon. I thought he was going to pass out on the spot. He has provided me with "only" three separate estimates so far, to accommodate my shifting requirements. Now it is time to fish or cut bait.
Have you ever come across a plant in your garden that you don't remember planting? I mean, besides volunteer tomatoes and sunflowers?
I'm not sure where this white coneflower came from, but I think I'll keep it.
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