Monday, June 18, 2012

While waiting for the temps to drop...

It is over 90 today, with no relief in sight. I need to water the front part of the house, but I am waiting until later in the evening, when hopefully the temperature will be a little less brutal. At least there is a stiff breeze.

Meanwhile, here are a few shots of flowers I have not published yet.

Several years ago I planted one hollyhock from the grocery store. It did not do much that year except stop blooming. Since then, however, the bed on the south side of my house hosts mini forests of hollyhocks each year. I'm not a big fan of hollyhocks, but the Japanese beetles are. So much so, that they leave most of the rest of my ornamentals alone.

Once upon a time, I tried to remove this yucca, to no avail. In fact, since then, baby yuccas crop up all around it - and this year, one even made it all the way across the driveway, under the gold mop. Then, after adding the asplenifolia and sand cherry, I thought maybe the shade would discourage it. Obviously not. So I give up.

I like coreopsis, but I have not been able to keep them alive for more than a couple of years, no matter the variety. Last fall I asked a local nursery if they had a more robust one, and they recommended 'Route 66'. It made it past last winter, which was admittedly very mild. We'll see how long it lasts.

I am not one of those gardeners who collects the latest and greatest varieties, but decided to go crazy this year and purchase a fancy columbine, one of the Swan series. This one is so luscious, I may become a convert, though.

Gah - it is almost 8pm and still 92 degrees outside. The front of the house faces east, so I will be mostly in the shade while watering. Time to get to it.

1 comment:

Jason said...

It hit 97 here today. At least we got some rain over the weekend - still a 4" deficit for the year.

So you grow hollyhocks as a japanese beetle magnet? I actually love hollyhocks but can't grow them because of rust.