Saturday, June 02, 2012

Blow me down

I was going to take photos today, but it is just too windy - gusts up to 30 mph. In lieu of garden pix, here are a couple I took at the pond where I work. Look closely and you will see a great blue heron.

We actually received a measurable amount of rain a couple of days ago - about 0.25" here - and a trace the next day and a trace today. All that falls into the better-than-nothing-but-not-much category.

I've been enjoying the snap peas and a few snow peas and fewer English peas. The variety of English peas I chose require no staking, but I'm discovering that they are a pain to harvest. I also think there was not much to be gained by planting them in mid-March - April 1 would have been soon enough. That date was a bit early for the onions, but they look very strong now.

Despite the recent cool temps, some of the Roma tomatoes are starting to blossom. The bush beans are doing well, and the garlic looks great.

And that is all I am growing, as this is a rebuilding year. My SO just finished building me seven more 4'x4' beds, which we are going to install tomorrow. I will plant green manure in them this year. I think a robin ate my first red strawberry, so his next project will be a screened cover for that bed.

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