Then it was a waiting game. The drywallers could not drywall until the framing inspector inspected. The framing inspector could not inspect until the mechanical inspector inspected. But where was the mechanical inspector? There was no way of knowing. He finally showed late in the day, and happily the framing inspector arrived bright and early this morning, so the drywalling could proceed on schedule.
Technically, the insulation should have waited for the framing inspector, too, but he was able to see what he could see after removing one ceiling batt.
This morning I was gone before the drywallers arrived because my SO happened to have a spare lock set, which he installed yesterday. Now I feel comfortable letting the workers do their thing without my presence.
Drywalling occurred, as did doorknobbing, but I can't figure out how to open the passive side of the French doors. They need to come with an instruction booklet.
Tonight the siding/soffit guys stopped by to drop off their stuff. I had been vacillating on whether to do the soffits on the rest of the house now or later. I decided on NOW. The "old" windows are to be wrapped as well (a fact that somehow was not conveyed to the siding/soffit guys until tonight, and then by me), so then all the outside stuff will be done. My house will look so purty.
I'm really happy about how bright the interior of my house is now, as are my sun-loving pets.
With the silver maples and Florida room gone, the patio door has become like TV for the cat and dog, literally a window on the world for their viewing pleasure. I will be glad when the exterior lights are installed so I can see what the cat is growling at after nightfall.
A few weeks ago I checked this book out from the library:
The authors' advice is geared more for the DIYers. They suggest that if you hire a contractor, you can leave town for the duration and come home to a completed project. WRONG!!! It would be nice to think the contractor has nothing else on his/her mind except your house, but that would be fantasy. While I am getting tired of the inconvenience, I am also glad to be here to see the daily progress and to answer questions and to make sure I get what I want. Fortunately, the contractor and I are on the same wave length and what problems have occurred have been minor and easily resolved.
So far, so good.
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