Friday, April 11, 2008

Looking Good

Every time I step outside while the dog does her business (I think her business is relieving herself, while she thinks it is scent detection and rabbit turd consumption), I check for bluebirds. This morning I was so busy looking at the bluebird house that I almost missed seeing the bluebird himself, perched in the tree just over my head. We chatted a bit, or rather, I chatted while I hoped he listened. But he was actually keeping an eye out for intruders, one of whom he chased away with much angry chirping. I knew bluebirds were territorial, but I did not realize how pugnacious they were. I hope his actions are a good sign that the bluebird box will be populated this summer.

1 comment:

beverlyanne said...

Hi Abby,
I have to try Addi turbo circs. Socks on circs do seem ridiculously cumbersome. Sure you can use the word pix, ha, ha, lol.
I make compost slowly exactly like you do. It might be my favorite part of gardening. Here is a link to a tiny knitted bluebird:

ps: I love both of your blogs.