Sunday, March 06, 2022

Wipe on, wipe off

Over the past twenty years or so, my SO has helped me do things in the yard, redo things in the yard, undo things in the yard. He has dug holes, pruned shrubs, and pulled weeds. He does most of the heavy lifting and most of the tasks that involve power tools. Last fall, after my shoulder surgery, he even mowed. Most recently, he pried apart the raised bed frames we (mostly he) constructed way back when.



And he does all this without complaining! The closest he has ever gotten to a whine was a couple of years ago, when we were buying bags of mulch, and he asked how much longer we were going to do this. He's a keeper!

More newbies for the backyard are Canadian hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata 'FarrowBPop' and 'FarrowMrP'). Also known as Eastern hemlock, the Canadian hemlock attracts birds and butterflies, but also can get infested with the hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, which so far has not reached Indiana. Fingers crossed on that issue. Winterberry holly provides cover for wildlife, nesting spots, nectar for insects, and fruit for birds (especially bluebirds). It serves as a host to Henry's Elfin butterfly (Callophrys henrici). 'FarrowBPop' (Berry Poppins) is the female of the species, 'FarrowMrP' (Mr. Poppins) the male.

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