Saturday, March 26, 2022

Baby, it's cold outside!

Bitter cold, with a bitter wind. I'm back to long sleeved shirts, wool sweater, socks, etc. My son in northwest Indiana says a mourning dove is building a nest outside his kitchen window, but here they are trying to keep their tootsies warm on the heated birdbath. I wonder if this is the same pair I photographed a couple of weeks ago. (Notice the grass greening up in the background.)

The weather has also been very wet this past week, so nothing new has happened in the yard. I did repot several houseplants. My son and his girl friend gave me a planter with four plants in it, but it arrived in wonky shape. I transplanted them into a larger pot, but they still weren't very happy. Now each plant is in its own pot under a grow light on top of the freezer. The only ones that have been sort of identified are the dieffenbachia which is toxic to pets and the Flaming Katy which blooms in the fall and winter. Hopefully, they will eventually perk up.

BTW, the herbs I was growing under the light on top of the freezer did fine, but I kept forgetting to actually *use* them. Maybe I am no longer a fresh herb person.

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