I spent a lot of time outdoors this weekend, either shoveling snow or skiing on it. Usually, I cross country ski at Metea or Fox Island County Parks, but I didn't feel like driving or paying, plus I wanted to check out Salomon Farm as an alternative ski destination because it is close enough for an after-work zip. The parking lot was not plowed, but that did not hinder me. And I was the only one there until another woman showed up as I neared the end of my run, so it was very peaceful. My only complaint was with the snow - there was just barely enough, and I bottomed out a couple of times. We received about another inch of the fluffy stuff, though, and more is forecast, so it should only get better.
It was my first time out on my skis in two years, and in the flurry of digging out boots and goggles, I forgot three things: lip balm, water, and my camera. If I had remembered the latter, I might have some pix of robins to show you. FYI - all the robins do not leave in the winter. I think the entire population shifts southward, so the northernmost birds get about as far as here. But they retreat into the woods, so unless you too are in the woods, you will not see them until they venture out again in the spring.
When not outside, I spent time in the new room. A red-bellied woodpecker visited the suet, and some black-capped chickadees joined the nuclear feeding flock. When I lived in the country, we also saw pine siskins, tufted titmice, and nuthatches on a regular basis, plus an occasional indigo bunting. Nothing so exotic in the 'burbs, though.
P.S. I forgot to mention that over xmas vacation, my son and I hiked both Bicentennial Woods and the Johnson-Dustin Nature Preserves. We were the sole hikers in the latter and saw many deer and a red-tailed hawk. Exciting stuff!