Saturday, April 23, 2022

Heavy lifting, but not by me

While I can do all sorts of things now that I have a new shoulder (even things the surgeon would frown upon), my upper body strength is still lagging a bit. My SO to the rescue. He did the bulk of the work in removing the castle block from around the redbud trees and the concrete blocks used for raised beds. I drove the mower which towed it all out to the end of the driveway, where he unloaded it as well.

I posted on the HOA FB page and like magic, it all disappeared. So now I am rethinking the rainbow shed; maybe someone would want that? I'll give it a try.

No progress on the front of the house. I'm getting a bit anxious about that, as it needs to be finished before the landscape installers do their thing. The weather has not been cooperating, but maybe this week?

While I decided against the EGO trimmer, at least for now, my SO is looking for a new electric mower (his is 20 years old) and is leaning toward an EGO. (Thank you for your comment, flurrious!) He's like me, has that make-do attitude which results in more-work. It's time to retire that idea.

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