Saturday, April 09, 2022

April (snow) showers

The past week has been wet and next week is also supposed to be soggy and today it was actually *snowing*, but tomorrow should be nice (she typed hopefully). Maybe we will be able to actually do something out in the yard.

Between showers, the contractors worked on the front of the house. There was *more* rot underneath the rotting siding, so that is fixed. Painting will have to wait until things warm up a bit. I'm a little anxious about getting this project done before the landscaping starts.

I learned something new about blue jays this past week: they can immitate red-tailed hawks. Today I think I saw a purple finch at the bird bath, but he took off before I could get a pic; this photo is from the Missouri Department of Conservation. A goldfinch is the best I could do. (Sorry for the poor photo quality.)

I did manage to clean the deck on a dry day. My SO then helped me move potted plants from the garage to the backyard. Everything looks like it survived the winter: two clematis, two butterfly bushes, a potful of penstemon, and English thyme. And I repotted two houseplants, a dirty job but someone has to do it.

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