Sunday, March 12, 2023

More snow, despite the yardening

I managed to get a bit of outdoor work done before more snow arrived. The south side of the house is cleaned up and more of the arborvitae is taken care of. I also broke off the old blossoms on the 'Limelight' hydrangea. I am curious how that shrub will do now that the arborvitae are gone on that side of the yard. Hopefully, more sun will mean less spindly growth.

I didn't notice that one blossom I missed, at the tippy top, until I took the picture.

About that snow. This is in addition to last week's two inches, which melted. And this snow melted as well, but more fell last night. Winter just won't quit.

It occurred to me the other day that, if I am going to grow zinnias this year, I should get them started soon. That would be a great task for today.

BTW, my new shoulder feels *great*. Winter may not be the best time mood-wise to recover from surgery, but I am so glad to be able to do yardwork painfree. Well, except for the overall achiness the next day. But that's a *good* pain.

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