Sunday, June 26, 2022

Pro-choice AND pro-life

(Warning: This post contains no reference to yardening.)

It's too bad that the anti-abortionists have co-opted the phrase "pro-life". My observation is they are not pro-life in any sense of the word. Consider the following:
  • If you are against safe, affordable, effective birth control, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you see no reason to fund maternity care, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you don't support paid parental leave, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you don't want adoption to be affordable, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you are against healthcare for all, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you are anti-vaccine, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you don't want universal childcare, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you prefer lower taxes to good public schools, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you favor corporate profits over a living wage, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you support gun rights over gun safety, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you are unconcerned about climate change, you are NOT pro-life.
  • If you support capital punishment, you are NOT pro-life.

I live in a red state where the anti-abortion forces and pro-choice forces are about 50-50. I doubt the current conservatives can be voted out of office, but I can certainly hound them about following through on their so-called "pro-life" stance. I invite you to do the same, wherever you live.

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