Saturday, August 25, 2018

And we have a chrysalis!

Many moths spin cocoons. Butterflies create a chrysalis to protect themselves during the final stages of metamorphosis. (I am getting my monarch information from here. That site has better photos - I am finding it difficult to snap pix without disturbing the critters too much.)

Just hanging around

Closed for renovations

We're right behind you!

Now that the end is near for one of my monarch caterpillars, I am finding it much easier to remember to check on the habitat. To extend the main milkweed stalk, I twisty-tied a shorter one to it. Now the remaining caterpillars will be able to climb to the top of the mesh ceiling.


Toni said...

Yeah--I have a few houseplants that know how easy it is to forget about things that don't make noise. But the butterfly "farm" is so much fun to watch from blogworld! :)

Jason said...

Yay! I hope your new Monarch emerges soon!