Monday, July 17, 2017

Flower power, part II

There were a few flowers that I forgot to include the other day in my photo essay. Some I walked right by, others are not easy to keep track of because of other obscuring plants. I don't want them to feel neglected, though.

Eryngium yuccifolium

I can't believe I forgot the rattlesnake master. The one I planted last year is doing so well I added two more to the area. They were once used to treat snakebite, hence the name. Oddly enough, they are members of the carrot/parsley family, Apiaceae, although they look like yuccas. A volunteer hitched a ride in the prairie sampler planted on the south side of the house. There it will stay, as their deep taproot makes them difficult to transplant.

Eryngium yuccifolium

This anise hyssop is one I walked right by, distracted by its neighbors. Also, it looks a lot like catnip. It is a member of the mint family and supposedly will spread like mint, but I have not had a problem with it.

Agastache foeniculum

Deadheading may prolong its bloom period. I'm not very disciplined about removing spent blossoms; maybe I should be.

Agastache foeniculum, with Japanese beetle

Does the prairie blazingstar always grow in crazy swirls like this? This is the biggest variety of Liatris. It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, so it is unfortunate that it is planted on the south side of the house where few will see it, even me.

Liatris pycnostachya

I am rethinking the prairie sampler, considering moving some (most) of the plants to another area, to enhance my viewing pleasure.

Liatris pycnostachya, up close

There is a smaller variety of Liatris, Liatris spicata I think, a.k.a. gayfeather, in the front yard, nearly totally hidden by the blue false indigo. I didn't realize the latter would get so big (bought a restraining fence for it today). Also, I moved this particular plant to the prairie sampler on the south side of the house (where it is not yet blooming), but enough must have been left behind to survive.

I have a couple of varieties of New England aster. This is the big one, which is trying to bloom already. The size of this "shrub" is so big for the bed that it is a prime candidate for relocation.

This honeysuckle vine is completely hidden behind the Wentworth highbush cranberry and Rose of Sharon. It seems perfectly happy out of the limelight, climbing skyward in its search for sunlight. I hope the hummingbirds can find it.

Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'

And just for fun, one more zinnia pic.

Yesterday a monarch butterfly drifted into the backyard, then right out again. *sigh*

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