Sunday, May 08, 2016

A couple of perfect days

Finally, it feels like spring. Yesterday I spent a goodly amount of time in the yard, transplanting, seeding, weeding, etc. Today my SO came over and we constructed some cheap, but effective compost bins.

Not a big task, but one more item we can check off the to-do list.

On the not so happy side of the house, I noticed this tent caterpillar nest in the purple sand cherry:

It is the first time I have seen such a thing in my yard. I cut off the branch and burned the nest. I'm hoping that is the end of this story.

One of the areas I weeded yesterday was the bed by the front walk. I dug out the lavender plants and passed them on to my SO, as they were becoming rather unruly. We both puzzled over this plant:

It looks like a salvia, but the foliage at the base is rather dense and spreading, so I fear it is a weed of some sort (whereby "weed" is a plant growing where one does not want it to grow). There are a couple of them, and I'll let them be for now. I have planted so many bulbs and plants into this bed over the past several years that I have lost track of what should be there and what should not.

Finn, the helpful gardening cat, continues to guard the yard. He hasn't caught all the bunnies yet, but I have not seen the woodchuck lately. Maybe he has taken up residence elsewhere. (Knock on wood.)

Although I like my pink flamingos, I have never understood the attraction of garden gnomes. That is, until I found this one at a nearby garage sale.

The resident old fart exclaimed, "I can't believe anyone is buying that ugly thing!" and then promptly dubbed me the Gnome Lady. I've been called worse.

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