Sunday, April 01, 2007

Five, Six, Pick Up Sticks

Weather forecasters get paid to be wrong, and today I was glad for it, as we enjoyed a sunny, if windy, day. Some neighbors actually mowed, but that seemed a bit extreme, so I limited my activities to picking up sticks (three bags full). This job also entailed the start of the dismantling of the brush pile. Just too attractive to the bunnies.

More plants are presenting evidence they survived the winter. Here is the old-fashioned bleeding heart (not sure what makes it "old-fashioned")...

... and one of many hostas on the north side of the garage where it is still soggy...

... and one of three peonies on the south side of the house.

The hyacinth is actually blooming. Last fall I planted more white hyacinth in front of the barberry bushes, thinking the contrast would be pretty. Hopefully, those hyacinth will hold off blooming until the barberry has leafed out a bit.

Two falls ago, when my daughter and I planted the daffodil bulbs, I added an English bluebell bulb to some of the holes, then promptly forgot that I had done this. Last year there were no bluebell blooms, but I did notice the greenery around the feet of some of the daffodils. The greenery looks even stronger this year, so maybe there will be some blooms as well.

And what would an Indiana garden be without Canada thistle?

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